
Completing Mandel's Triad

Sea of TranquilitySea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ang ganda!!!

I don't know how to fine-tune an essay or a book review about this, but if you have read some of her works — most specially Station Eleven and The Glass Hotel — she made a multiverse of all her compositions in this sci-fi novel.

Parang interstellar na marvel multiverse but with the absence of military propaganda and political statements, and more of existential philosophies, rule of singularity, and quantum mechanics!

And to think, I even read her short story, Mr. Thursday, that might be used as one of her references to continue writing about time travel and how to answer the question of our existence: if life itself is a multiple simulation, or a summation of multiple realities.

Ang ganda!!! Nice Christmas read ehe merry christmas!

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